MCQ’s on Semisolid Dosage Form

MCQ’s on Semisolid Dosage Form

1. Ideal properties of ointment base is ……

a. It should be chemically and physically stable.   

b. It should be smooth and free from grittiness.

c. The base should be non-irritant and should have no therapeutic action.   

d. All the Above

2. Ointments that pass through the skin and produce systemic effects is called as ….

a. Epidermic ointment

b. Endodermic ointment

c. Diadermic ointment

d. None of the above

3. -------------- are applied locally to irritate the  skin, to reduce  or relieve another irritation.

a. Counter irritant

b. Parasiticide

c. Astrigent

d. Antiseptic

4. Emollient  are used to --------- the skin

a. Protect

b. Soften

c. Harden

d. All the above

5. ------------ consist of fats and oils.

a. Oleaginous bases

b. Absorption bases

c. Water-miscible bases

d. Water soluble bases

6. --------------- ointments used to  produce their action on the surface of the skin and produce

    local effect.

a. Epidermic ointment

b. Endodermic ointment

c. Diadermic ointment

d. None of the above

7. ------------- are generally anhydrous substances which have the property to absorb               

   considerable quantity of water.

a. Oleaginous bases

b. Absorption bases

c. Water-miscible bases

d. Water soluble bases

8. Creams are basically emulsion (True/ False)

a. True

b. False

9. Advantages of Absorption Bases is ------

a. They are less occlusive

b. They are easier to spread

c. They can absorb a large quantity of water

d. All of the above

10. Polyethylene glycol (PEG) is …………. Base.

a. Oleaginous bases

b. Absorption bases

c. Water-miscible bases

d. Water soluble bases

11. -------------- are used to prepare o/w creams.

a. Oleaginous bases

b. Absorption bases

c. Water-miscible bases

d. Water soluble bases

12. Polyethylene glycol (PEG) is also called as ‘Macrogols’ (True / False)

a. True

B. False

13. Ointment are prepared by --------- method.

a. Fusion

b. Triturtion

c. Both A and B

d. None of above

14. -------- method involve application of heat.

a. Fusion

b. Triturtion

c. Chemical

d. None of above

15. --------consist of  large amount (50%) of finely powdered solids.

a. Cream

b. Paste

c. Ointment

d. Gel

16. --------- are transparent or translucent, non-greasy semisolid preparation generally applied


a. Cream

b. Paste

c. Jellies

d. Ointment

17. Following is the type of jellies.

 a. Medicated jelly

b. Lubricant jelly

c. Miscellaneous jelly

d. All the above

18. Poultice is --------- dosage form.

a. Solid

b. Liquid

c. Semisolid

d. Powder

19. -------- are paste-like preparations applied externally in the form of hot dressing to reduce


a. Polutice

b. Ointment

c. Paste

d. Cream

20. -------  are aqueous colloidal system of hydrated forms of insoluble medicaments.

a. Cream

b. Ointment

c. Paste

d. Gel


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